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Why The Round Ligament Is A Common Source Of Pain During Pregnancy 

The Round Ligament is probably a part of the body you've never heard of unless if you're having round ligament pain in pregnancy. Round ligament pain is a common complaint of women during pregnancy but that doesn't mean that it's a normal part of pregnancy. The round ligament plays an important role in helping ensure the uterus is supported which cause a situation where the round ligaments are stretched leading to abdominal pain during pregnancy. In this article we give you the information you need to know about round ligament pain during your pregnancy and how to manage it.

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What Does The
Round Ligament Do

The round ligament is a strong band of tissue that attaches the uterus to the pelvis and helps support it during pregnancy. It begins in front of the pubic bone and runs along each side of the vaginal wall toward the back of your body. It then crosses over your hip bone to attach to the top of your thighbone (femur).


It's also called a suspensory ligament because it suspends your uterus from above. When you're not pregnant, this tissue isn't very noticeable but when you're pregnant, it can stretch and become more visible as your belly grows.


It helps keep your uterus in place so that it doesn't drop out of position or fall down into your vagina before delivery. If your baby has grown enough and has dropped into position, then you may feel this ligament stretch as well when you move around.


The round ligament should not be confused with an umbilical hernia (a protrusion of abdominal contents through an opening in muscle). The former occurs naturally during pregnancy due to normal expansion of abdominal organs; the latter can occur after birth as a result of weakness in abdominal muscles (usually due to pregnancy).

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How Pregnancy Causes Round Ligament Pain

As the uterus grows during pregnancy, it puts pressure on the round ligament, this can cause stretching and lead to pain. Not usually the source of pain but a result of underlying misalignments in the body, it can become inflamed or injured during exercise or other strenuous activity.


When this happens, you may feel pain in your groin area or down the inner side of your thigh. You may also feel pain if you lean forward or sit for long periods of time with your legs crossed (for example, at work). For some women, this pain is mild and goes away on its own, for others, the pain can be more severe and may feel like a sharp stabbing pain or a dull ache.

When Does Round Ligament Pain Start

In early pregnancy, it can feel like a cord-like structure at the top of your abdomen. As you progress through your pregnancy and your baby grows, you may feel this ligament stretching more strongly. It will sometimes feel like something is pulling on your belly button or like someone is pulling on your belly button with a rubber band or string. This feeling is not usually painful but the pulling sensation may be worse when you're walking up stairs or going down stairs.


As your pregnancy progresses, you may also notice that you have more back pain than usual, especially around week 20 during the second trimester, because your growing uterus puts extra pressure on your lower back muscles and disks.

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Symptoms of Round Ligament Pain

During pregnancy, its common to have to experience round ligament pain on one or both sides of your abdomen while going through the prenatal period of motherhood. You may experience any or all of the following symptoms including but not limited to low back pain, pelvic or abdominal pain, and may become worse with certain movements and positions causing sharp pain.


While it's generally nothing to worry about, the pain may become quite discomforting especially when bearing down or having to sneeze.

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Treatment of Round Ligament Pain During Pregnancy

Before trying any of the at home care suggestions, make sure to ask your doctor if these options are safe for you to perform to help relieve the pain your experiencing.


--> Avoid any sudden movements while you're moving, doing so can create sharp or stabbing pain in either of the two round ligaments if there is imbalance in the pelvis or undue tension in the area.


--> Placing a heating pad on your lower abdomen or lower back or taking a warm bath for short periods of time. The warmth will help relax tense muscles in your abdomen and relieve some of your discomfort.


--> When getting up in the morning, roll over in bed so you can swing your legs off the bed while using your arms to help prop you up.


--> Get plenty of rest. It can be hard to slow down during your pregnancy but not doing so can create more problems. Even while resting, make sure to change positions often to avoid


If the pain is severe or persists despite these measures, be sure to consult with your healthcare provider.

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Chiropractic Care To Help With Round Ligament Pain

Round ligament pain is a very common complaint during pregnancy, but it can be helped with chiropractic adjustments. When the pelvis is out of balance, it puts extra strain on the ligaments which support the uterus, this can cause pain in the lower belly or back. Gentle chiropractic adjustments can help to restore balance in the pelvis and relieve the strain on the ligaments of the pelvic bowl providing significant relief from pain during pregnancy.


At Base Camp Health, we specialize in helping women who are experiencing pain in pregnancy through gentle, specific, and holistic chiropractic care. Our chiropractors utilize the Webster Technique to allow for the ideal positions for your body during pregnancy to help decrease the discomforts that are common during pregnancy. Schedule a time for our doctors to come to you in the comfort of your own home today.

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